Peter and Rebekah Laue - 965 Cloud Cap Avenue - Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 USA

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Life Letters

My Legacy
March 23, 2011

  Pagosa Springs, Colorado

As Laura was leaving our home she said, “Peter, if you do nothing else with the rest of your life, except to acquaint your guests with Jesus Christ as both the Lamb of God and also the Lion of Judah, you will be leaving a better legacy than silver and gold.”

Laura had no idea that this had been my focus for almost 20 years. Until age 60, I only knew Jesus as the Lamb of God. I had no idea that knowing Jesus as “The Crucified One” was not enough. But then one day, quite unexpectedly, Jesus revealed Himself to me as the Lion of Judah and challenged me to know Him and introduce Him to the Church and the world around me as both the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah.

The more I thought and wrote about it, the more I realized that I had permitted the Church and the culture in which
I was raised to castrate, declaw, muzzle, and cage me by de-emphasizing and even omitting the victorious Lion of Judah from its teachings.

Since my encounter with Jesus, I have allowed the words of the apostle Paul to challenge and change me. Paul writes in the Book of Ephesians, chapter 4, verse 13 that we are all to come into the full stature of the Son of God. The full stature means nothing less than being conformed to both the crucified Lamb of God and the victorious Lion of Judah.

We have created the Lion of Judah medallion to serve as a tangible and constant reminder of our crucified and yet victorious position in Christ Jesus. Church, it’s time to roar and go to war. Church, it’s time to take a stand and take back the land – all of it!

The Volcano

I saw the mouth of a fiery volcano. I saw the Hand of Jehovah-God reaching into a bed of molten lava. As He retrieved His Hand, it was a clenched fist. When He opened His Hand, a thousand – no, more than a million pocket-size Lion of Judah medallions fell to the ground. They rolled in every direction, encircling the globe. He said, “My servant Peter, this is the fullness of time. Until now I made you a steward of my love and mercy. From this moment forward I will add the roar of the Lion of Judah to your calling.”

He instructed me to have a pocket-size medallion made that is pictured here. They are to be used to commission captains of hundreds and even thousands to take a stand and take back the land. They are also to honor those who have fought valiantly in battle. He gave me this jingle to go with the medallions:

We ask those who believe they are to be a part of God’s end-time army to carefully read these nine epistles:

God's Mighty Men of Valor

- Wimp or Warrior?

- Who Will March with Me?

Appointed and Anointed to Roar - Exodus Two - St. Francis of Assisi

The Ego Disease The Proclamation Frisbees for Jesus

If the words in these epistles inspire and challenge you, more than likely you are already serving in God’s army. There is an additional way you may be able to discern if you are to be joined to God's end-time army. Go to: Paul or Peter to find out!

"A pictures story of the medallion is posted here: The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Saga"


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All writings by Peter, the Lord's Scribe and Storyteller and all paintings by Rebekah, the Lord's artist are copyright free.