God’/s Handmaiden

You bring great joy to the Father’s heart
As through your hands His truth you impart

The canvas reveals His story told
That captures the hearts of young and old

You sense His heart, and then you proceed
This is how you are used to sow seed

It penetrates deep in the fiber of man
As their eyes behold God’s wonderful plan

An epistle is read by all those who view
The paintings are meant to encourage and renew

They make a statement bold and clear
That reminds us all His coming draws near

You are His handmaiden who He has kept obscure
But in Heaven’s portals your works will endure

The market is a place to sell wares
Your paintings are too costly to be displayed there

They are posted strategically on the highways of life
So the wounded and weary see a beacon of light

As the Lighthouse you so graciously depicted for me
Will remind many others that by His light they will see

Many will come to the foot of the cross
So continue to paint and reach the weary and lost

A tribute to my friend Rebekah a true “Stretcher Bearer”:
Thank you for your Friendship. I thank God that you have graced my life.
I appreciate you and my love and prayers will be always toward you.

© Winnie
October 24, 2002

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